

History: History of Foundation of "IVERIA" LTD

"IVERIA" LTD was founded in 1990. Its industrial base exists since 1936.

Company today: Current and Performed Projects

The current projects of the of the company are: Sewing and production of uniforms and special shoes for: Railway of Georgia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, Security Police, "Georgian Oil", Oil Company "Iory Valley", Georgian - Swiss Joint Enterprise - "Spi Capac Petropac", Zestaponi Factory - "Ferro", Cartu Group, "Water Channel", etc.

Mission of "Iveria"

The mission of "Iveria" is to use its best efforts for manufacturing mainly on the basis of light industry by means of its own industrial forces, precisely, the factory of shoes and clothes employing the appropriate workers. It contributes to develop the industry of Georgia.

The mission of the company also includes establishing the friendly and business relationship with foreign partners and colleagues.

Nonstandard production by request

Besides the field of light industry the service of "IVERIA" Ltd includes the wide range of information in construction, transportation, technologies, as well as import and export.

Other types of services

We have performed the rehabilitation program of "Georgian Gas" that included the recovery of modern technologies, support materials, facilities, construction and isolation materials and many other types of gasification systems.

We have performed the program of providing the rehabilitation facilities, supporting materials for installations for "AES Telas".

We possess the modern embroidering machine of "Brother" type.